- Gentoo linux on Dell XPS 13
This manual is for the 9350 (2016 model) and 9380 (2019 model). Differences are indicated.
Use the newest of the newest kernel version. I'm using 4.5.0-rc3 and that is one of the first versions that boots consistently without a lot of patching.
Update 2021-01-23: I've upgraded to kernel 5.10.7 and on my 9300 the video still does not work optimal. Displays don't seem to be reliab…
- MySQL 5.7 => 8.0
How to upgrade MySQL with version 5.7 to 8.0.
- NFC with the TouchATag (ACR122U)
Nice tools to make it possible to clone cards. As long as you have the key. But in some cases suppliers just use the default keys and then all tools work instantly.
Disable the kernel modules:
/etc/modprobe.d # cat blacklist.conf
install nfc /bin/false
install pn533 /bin/false
install pn533_usb /bin/fal…
- git
Migration to github
- git remote -v
- git remote set-url origin<user>/<repo>.git
- git push --all
- Server install
This describes how I install my server from scratch. I'm using Gentoo.
- 2x Samsung 970 pro
- 2x 4T HDD
Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name
1 &nbs… - screen shortcuts