Restfull access to JSF ManagedBeans

With the rising of the popularity of REST with JSON, JSF becomes a bit of a hassle in situations with mixed technologies. JSF @ManagedBean's are not accessable through REST.

By adding a REST service that accesses the JSF beans this can be solved. Problem is that the REST has no JSF context and so can't access the @ManagedBean's. But current JSF also works with CDI @Named beans and those can be accessed from REST services.

By creating a REST service that accesses the @Named beans through CDI, the same bean is used for both JSF and REST and so we can mix both technologies.
- Be carefull about thread safety!
- Security is not arranged in given example code!!!

The code below works for JSF beans annotated with @Named. @ManagedBean does not work because CDI can't access those beans.

In a pure Tomcat environment we need some dependencies:

Relevant dependecies in pom.xml:

    <!-- Allow for "<service url>?_wadl" usage to automatically generate the wadl file -->
    <!-- JSON converter -->

    <!-- CDI implementation -->

Relevant parts in web.xml:


<!-- CDI -->

Bootstrap REST:

public class ApplicationConfig extends Application {}

Create REST service that produces the json:

public class CalendarService {
     * @return Object
    public Object getBeanProperty(@PathParam("beanName") String beanName, @PathParam("fieldName") String fieldName) {
        BeanManager beanManager = CDI.current().getBeanManager();
        Object bean = CDIUtils.lookup(beanManager, beanName);
        Object object = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, fieldName);
        return object;

The REST service can now be consumed by jQuery like this:

$.ajax({url: "/api/rest/jsf/<beanName>/<fieldName>"}).then(function(data) {
    $.each(blocks, function(index, data) {
        console.log(index + ": " + data);